FAMILIAR - Review by (Movie Cynics)

"...a short film so dastardly, so devious that I can’t stop thinking about it."

From the mind of Richard Powell comes a short film so dastardly, so devious that I can’t stop thinking about it. As I went into the short film, I had no clue as to what it was all about, which is honestly the best way to go into any film, short or otherwise. So when Familiar switched from a very familiar-feeling short film to some extreme body-horror action, I was caught totally off guard. The feeling was wonderful.

Powell’s film tells the tale of a man named John, who is cursed with a wife, a daughter, and an everyday meaningless existence… in short, he’s an American male. Yet, something strange is going on. John might not exactly be in his right mind, which becomes painfully obvious as the voice in his head keeps encouraging him in his anti-social ways. Of course, not everything is as it seems, and the film takes a sharp turn… which is for the best.

Powell’s film is well-paced, and visually, it looks fantastic. Its crisp imagery and excellent use of lighting enhance the doom and gloom of the piece, and everything feels thought out and planned. It’s a technical gem, only marred by a canned feeling on some of the narration from the voice in John’s mind.

The cast is excellent here. Robert Nolan is a delightful monster as John. Nolan sells the role and were it not for his awesome performance, the first half of the film might not be nearly as effective.

As the film progresses, matters spiral out of control. The piece de resistance comes in the form of a dramatic showdown between John, his inner-voice, and a boxcutter. From there, the film becomes a squirmish delight as effects take over and limits are tested. It’s a joyful horror ode that most fans can appreciate.

The only real question I have is, “When is Robert Nolan going to make a full-length film because I’ll be one of the first people in line. Great work, great short, I hope that all horror fans get a chance to see this film one day.

Final Synopsis: It’s a great short. If you’re a Cronenhead like me, it really hits the sweet spot. Check it out if you can find it.

Points Lost: -1 for some canned-sound feeling to the narrative bits, -1 for not really using the other characters as well as it could have

Lesson Learned: Sometimes, we shouldn’t listen to the voices in our heads.

Burning Question: Seriously, when is Powell going to make a full-length flick?

Familiar 8/10

Rating: 8.0/10 

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