FAMILIAR Review: "Hands down one of the best – not to mention most believable – psychological horror films I have ever seen in my life, regardless of the length."
-- Dave Harlequin’s “5 Great Short Films You’ve Probably Never Seen” by Cinema Slasher
"The cinematography (Michael Davidson) is outstanding, and the special effects (practical F/X, mind you) (The Butcher Shop) are very much award-worthy."
"The cinematography (Michael Davidson) is outstanding, and the special effects (practical F/X, mind you) (The Butcher Shop) are very much award-worthy."
FAMILIAR-The third short from Fatal Pictures - Written & directed by Richard Powell. Produced by Zach Green. Steven Szolcsanyi on Camera. Starring Robert Nolan, Astrida Auza and Cat Hostick.
Complete review here: “5 Great Short Films You’ve Probably Never Seen”
Complete review here: “5 Great Short Films You’ve Probably Never Seen”